Sunday, December 5, 2010


Okay, well, I feel bad for not giving you any photos recently, so here's some pictures of Griswold Airport, here in Madison.  This airport was very cool when it was in service.  My dad would take me down Saturday mornings and we'd check out the planes and flying contraptions people built.  The aircraft here had character, like their owners.  What happened was, the airport sold to a developer, but they never did anything with the property, so it went up for sale again.  The town purchased the 9 million dollar waterfront property and is planning on turning it into parks and ball fields.  (but their taking their sweet time)  So, I was able to get in and take some shots, which really made my day!  I'd like to go back, and when I do, those pictures will be here!
There were two of these.  They were small rooms that were for rent during the
airports hayday.  People would fly in and rent a room in one of these cottages,
and visit the neighboring Hammonassett State Park, which is a huge attraction
here in Madison.

This is an over grown small house.  I was in here a while back, and it was
all burned out on the inside.  I believe it had three bedrooms.  Too bad
I didn't have my camera, cause when I took the shot it was padlocked,
like most other buildings on the property now that the town owns it.

This may have been one of the first hangars here.  It wasn't very big
but is quite old
This was one of those flying contraptions.  It's nothing more than a
propeller powered by a lawn mower engine strapped to your
back while you hold a parachute.  Pretty simple.

This was the box from an old box truck.  The truck is no longer, but this box is still here.
You can see where perhaps the state logo could have been.

Old lady Griswold's house.  I didn't go in at risk of being seen,
but hopefully I'll go back before they burn it for fire fighter training.
This was still in good condition.

The terminal building with some large hangars attached, as seen
from across the field.

The "Pilot's Lounge" in the field

This wasn't all to special, but I remember when there was an ultralight fly-in.
Here, pilots flew their makeshift ultralights and set up a tent for the weekend.
Here is where they held their bonfires.

The hangar.  I believe there were four bays on each side.

A close up

Down the runway toward the terminal

Looking down the runway toward Hammonassett

Hangars from the runway

Inside that hangar

Various communication towers
Ya, interesting find in an abandoned hangar

Sssshhh, don't tell anyone, I swiped this fire extinguisher.
On the bottom it reads "Griswold Air Service"

Back when the airport was functioning.

The airport really did bring quite a crowd.

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