Friday, November 19, 2010

Finals....and a trek

My apologies for the absence of a blog recently, I've been experiencing a DHHS "festivus," so to say.  That's right, they're the dreaded finals.  The only good thing I see in finals is that it marks the end of a trimester, you get half days, and I only need to have half the stuff in my backpack.  Friday the 19th were my first two, and then I've got two more on Monday and Tuesday.  Then another half day on Wednesday, the first day of the new trimester, and the T-day break.  (That'll be a blog of it's own)  I didn't know I need to take finals to be a window washer.....but anyway, here's some pictures of last weekend when BSA troop 494 went on a 9 mile backpacking trek from camp Yawgoog in RI on the CT boarder, to Griswold CT, where we spent the night.  It was a load of fun, and I'd love to share these pictures.
Here we are, getting ready to go

taking a break.......already

If you couldn't tell, we were on the "Nehantic Trail"

Bonfire we had with a neighboring troop

The summit of Mt. Misery.  Not much of a mountain at all (although the name fits)

Dad and I

Chillin on the summet

View from the summet

The Three Amigos....well, they're really just three photographers we ran into along the way

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pics of the Stix

When it comes to my photography, I've got a thing for abandonment, but I can't resist taking some beautiful nature shots of my "backwoods," which are really some old logging trails conveniently located right behind my house.  I've taken hundreds of photos so far because it's so picturesque.  I've got dozens of albums to show.  Here's one, and there's more to come!
One of those old logging roads

An old trailer left here to rot

This was a cool find

That tractor engine again....shoulda gotten rid of the beer can...

Drainage pipe

A lil rock pile I stumbled across

A branch over a waterfall. (Many more to come)

Fire pit

One of the many old roads from the 1800's

Almost walked into this little guy

It says no trespassing, but that's not stopping me