Friday, April 15, 2011

The return of NAVIANCE

Oh yes.  For those of who that don't recall, I wrote a previous blog about NAVIANCE and it and I do not get along after it suggested my dream career as professional window washer.  Now, I've got nothing against window washers, but I'm not taking honors courses to wash windows.  Anyway, one year later, its back and the school forced me and my class to do more in this "wonderful" program.  What NAVIANCE is suppose to do is to suggest careers and colleges best suited to your personality and lifestyle.  A pretty good idea, no?  Well, after that first test I took for it, I can't take it seriously.  Apparently, it's also suppose to have your GPA and you can write a resume for colleges on it.

As if suggesting awful matches for careers for me wasn't bad enough, it went out to insult me again when the guidance counselors forced me to take the "personality test."  Just before taking the test, the counselors were getting us all pumped up about how serious this is and how it was scientifically proven to be correct most of the time.  They made it seem as if it were the latest and greatest piece of personality determining technology.

So, the test is simple, but long.  It took a good 45 minutes out of my life.  Anyway, it compares two different people and you then you select which person you're more like.


Joe does this certain thing one way, while Jim does the same thing a very different way.  Which are you more like?      It was those kinds of questions.

So of course, I take the test seriously, because I was curious as to what my personality was.  I took the grotesquely long test, and toward the end others were getting their results.  The kid next to me's personality was "introvert, but loves to be active."  True, he's on like, three sports teams and only has a couple, but close, friends.  The other kid next to me got "Extrovert, loves to be outside."  Also true for them.  Of course, the results said more than just that, they were practically entire essays determining their personalities, which were surprisingly accurate.  Anybody else see a similarity between the accuracy of this test and other's results with the career test?  Oh yes, these results were spot on.

And then it was my turn to submit my answers.

My result was.....

And I quote....

"We're sorry, but we could not match your test results to any of the personalities we have."

Oh, gee thanks NAVIANCE, you never let me down.  It's not like I'm going to let a computer determine my personality, or lack there of in this case.  If anyone should know what their like, wouldn't it be themselves?  It suggested that I take the test again, you know, to waste another 45 minutes of my life.  Also, how would my answers for the test be any different the next time around?  If I agree with what Jim did, I agree with what Jim did, I'll have to lie and agree with Joe next time.

And that's how I managed to fail a test that you can't fail at.