Friday, December 31, 2010

R.I.P 2010

I will be welcoming the new year of 2011 with open arms and a smile.  My new year's resolution is to do the homework DHHS bestowed upon me over break....  With the birth of a new year, comes the death of an old.  A year with all it's own highs and lows, the year of 2010.  No, I don't have anything witty, deep, or meaningful for this, but I do have some photos and a fun story to go along with them.

My mother had decided to take a little trip to Massachusetts.  Our first stop was the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Artwork.  A rather interesting exhibit, but small.  It wasn't really worth the two hour ride up north.  Afterward, we went into the town of Northhampton, Ma, a classy little town.  The beggers, or "Panhandlers," as dad called them, were a nice touch to the community.
My favorite commentary of the trip was when three Northhampton cops passed us by on Main Street:
My mother: "There's a lot of cops in this town."
Me: "But not enough."

After that fun expedition, we stopped in Springfield to check out the "Bright Nights at Forest Park."  It was a light display set up in, you guessed it, Forest Park.  We drove through, and I took some pictures.  Some aren't all to good, but that's because it's pretty hard to take pictures from a moving vehicle.

It's suppose to say God Bless America.  Pretty hard to get a shot without a car in it here

Weird blue G clefs.

A blue carousel.

The banner above says "Seuss Land."  I thought it was called "Whoville."

Horton.  Not associated with holidays.

There was a strange prehistoric light display we drove through.  This volcano is reminding me of Jimmy Buffett

This gap between the cars is because my mom frequently stopped to allow me to climb out the window to take the pictures.  We angered those behind us quite a bit.

A crazy detailed house

One major funder of this was Hasbro games.  Hence the Game of Life.

Good bye 2010, and hello 2011.  Only thing I'm wondering is how they're going to make the glasses people wear in Times Square when they drop the ball out of the number 2011.

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